The difference of their colour depends on the difference in
their altitudes; for they acquire a resemblance to those planets
into the vapour of which they are carried, the orbit of each
tinging those that approach it in each direction. A colder
planet renders one that approaches it paler, one more hot
renders it redder, a windy planet gives it a lowering aspect,
while the sun, at the union of their apsides, or the extremity
of their orbits, completely obscures them. Each of the
planets has its peculiar colour[1]; Saturn is white, Jupiter
brilliant, Mars fiery, Lucifer is glowing, Vesper refulgent,
Mercury sparkling, the Moon mild; the Sun, when he rises,
is blazing, afterwards he becomes radiating. The appearance
of the stars, which are fixed in the firmament, is also affected
by these causes. At one time we see a dense cluster of stars
around the moon, when she is only half-enlightened, and
when they are viewed in a serene evening; while, at another
time, when the moon is full, there are so few to be seen, that
we wonder whither they are fled; and this is also the case when
the rays of the sun, or of any of the above-mentioned bodies[2],
have dazzled our sight. And, indeed, the moon herself is,
without doubt, differently affected at different times by the
rays of the sun; when she is entering them, the convexity
of the heavens[3] rendering them more feeble than when they
fall upon her more directly[4]. Hence, when she is at a right
angle to the sun, she is half-enlightened; when in the trine
aspect, she presents an imperfect orb[5], while, in opposition,
she is full. Again, when she is waning, she goes through
the same gradations, and in the same order, as the three stars
that are superior to the sun[6].
1. Ptolemy's account of the colours of the planets is nearly similar to
that of our author; "Candidus color Jovialis est, rutilus Martius,
Veneris, varius Mercurii;" De Jur. Astrol. ii. 9.
2. This effect cannot be produced by any of the planets, except perhaps,
to a certain extent, by Venus.
3. "mundi."
4. It is scarcely necessary to remark, that the method which Pliny
employs to explain the different phases of the moon betrays his ignorance,
not only of the cause of these particular phenomena, but of the general
principles which affect the appearance of the heavenly bodies.
5. "seminani ambitur orbe." According to the interpretation of Hardouin, "Orbe non perfecto et absoluto;" "major dimidia, minor plena;"
Lemaire, ii. 284.
6. As Alexandre justly remarks, our author refers here to the aspects
only of the planets, not to their phases; ii 284.